ŌThey went out on Saturday and left me and Lieut. Walker in charge of the CampĶ


Camp near Falmouth VA

Monday, April the  [possibly 13, long blank area, 1863]


Dear Clarinda,


I am well at present and hope these few lines will find you and the little ones better than what they were in your last letter.  Our Regt. is at present out on picket.  They went out on Saturday and left me and Lieut. Walker in charge of the Camp.  We expect them back tomorrow if nothing happens.  Yesterday was a dreadful warm day.  It was hard work to keep comfortable in the shade.  The mud is pretty near all dried up and the grass looks fresh and green.


Yesterday our division was received by a foreign General.  He was fixed up in all the grand and most costly uniform you could imagine. 


Tom has not had a letter from Julia now in about a month.  He feels bad because he donÕt hear from home.  The doctors held quite a consultation over him yesterday and I shouldnÕt wonder if he got his discharge before long.  They would examine him and then whisper to one another.  He is relieved from doing all duty.


There donÕt seem to be much talk about anything now but pay.  The Boys are looking with all the eyes they have got for money.  They was paying off some of the soldiers around us yesterday but I canÕt tell exactly when we will get ours.  Perhaps it will be a week and maybe more.  We shall get pay for 4 months this time.  I wonÕt yet get any of my SergeantÕs pay this time but I think I shall be able to send home about 46 dollars this time.  I would like to [send] it all if it was possible, but I have got to keep a few dollars for myself.  If I send you 46 that will leave me 6 dollars for myself and maybe it will be four months before we get paid off again. 


I received that paper and sealing wax all right, and that letter you sent with JosephineÕs I have never received.  I have not received but one letter a week and that is from you.  I would give a good deal of money if I was a coming in place of this letter.


There is not any news here at present worth mentioning so I will have to come to a close.  I sincerely hope this may find you and my little ones in a better state of health than what you spoke of in your last letter.  May God in his infinite goodness protect your from all harm.  Give my love to all enquiring friends and for the present, goodbye my best and only loved one.


From your husband forever,

Peter. L. Dumont.

Sergeant Co. A

146 Regt. N.Y.S.V.

Army of the Potomac, Virginia