ÒAs soon as I got the recommend of Mr. Conkling I took it and went to
the Lieut. and he had just received an order from the
War DepartmentÓ
Camp Parole, VA
[Friday,] September 20, 1863
Dear Clara,
I received your letter yesterday and was glad to hear you was all well at home.
My health at present is pretty good. As soon as I got the recommend of Mr. Conkling I took it and
went to the Lieut. and he had just received an order
from the War Department stating that we are all exchanged. He let me read it and I found it was
true. So it was of no use of going
to Washington with the paper. But
last night I went to him again and he said he would do all he could to get me a
pass to Washington. So he wrote me
a good recommend for a pass. I
took it and went to Headquarters and the Col. said he would like to give me a
pass but his orders was not to let any one go out of the Camp by any
consideration whatsoever. So I am
today writing just the way things is.
So I do not believe it is right I should have a furlough or else I would
have had one long before now, the way I have tried to get one.
Orders was issued for all the men belonging to the [2nd?]
Army Corps to leave here this morning, but for some reason they did not
go. No one will believe we have
been regularly exchanged for nothing is in the papers about it. They all think because the Rebels have
been placed back in the field against Rosecrans and Burnside, our government
will do the same for retaliation, and if we are ever taken prisoner again most likely
we shall be shot for taking up arms before we are exchanged. A dreadful feeling prevails amongst the
Boys on that account.
I have been called away on Court Martial all day today for pretty
much. I have just heard that we
will all go to the front tomorrow morning. I am very busy today and I cannot get a chance to write,
only by spells. I hope this wonÕt
make you feel bad, but I am afraid it will. However, I shall bear up under it as well as I can. If I could only of seen you once more I
think I should have been satisfied to of gone back.
Oh, dear Clara, take good care of yourself and little ones and I will
try and do the same for me, hoping all things will turn out well yet. When you write to me again you had
better direct it to the Regt. for I think the next one will find me there if I
am well. I hope this war is most
over with so we may all get home soon.
Give my love to all of the folks and give my thanks to father for
getting that recommend for me.
Remember me to all inquiring friends. Goodbye until you hear from me again. From yours ever with love,
God bless you all,
Peter L. Dumont