Camp Seward Oct 19th
Arlington Heights 8 miles
from Washington
color drawing and poem ÒTHE GIRL I LEFT BEHIND MEÓ
Regiment went to Washington
for review without him because he was taken very sick with an unknown sickness,
burning up then freezing, Òthis morning I have a pair of lips on me big as any
nigger you ever saw I guess that I have got poisend
[sic] with
some of the [bushes?] around here I can hardly eat or
speak goodÓ. Wanted to go to
Washington because it would be a great sight with 6 or 7 regiments on review by
ÒGen Casey and another great generalÓ.
Rumors about their Colonel being made a Brigadier General ÒI hope it is
so I for one should like to get rid of him I tell you honestly he is one of the
most unfeeling men I ever saw last night he orderded
[sic] wesley Dimbley off of
the ground and just so with every man that comes on the ground wess felt so bad that he almost cried he says he never knew
or heard of such doings in all his millatary [sic] lifeÉ] Peter wishes he was home again
Òno money could hire me to leave itÓ.
Tells of hardships. ÒTell
Julia the soldiers cannot get any intoxicating drink here of any kind. Send letters care of Capt Cone. Have orders to march on Harpers Ferry
tomorrow. Let him know when gets the 33 dollars from Capt ConeÕs father.