B a t t l e s | T h e m e s | ||
1862-10-18......."THE GIRL I LEFT BEHIND ME", Camp Seward, sick, Gen Casey, Col unfeeling, Wes Dimbley 10-18-1862s.htm | m: | |
1862-10-20.......Camp Seward, names sick, has itch, Col Corcorans McMickeys, sends flowers from Lee house, paired with Undated 5, need to add text from undated5i.htm 10-20-1862s.htm | m: | |
1862-10-22.......Camp Seward, may have camp itch, Washington Hospital, Antietem glass, small pox vaccine, paired with Fragment 4 10-22-1862s.htm | m: | |
1862-10-27.......Camp Seward, color letterhead of woman helping Zouave, wet tent, Fletch, Fordis Phelps, deserters 10-27-1862s.htm | m: | |
1862-10-29.......Camp Seward, review at Potomac, letter opened, Col and papers, deserters branded, molato 10-29-1862s.htm | m: | |
1862-11-27.......Thanksgiving day, crackers and salt pork, near Washington, sick, marched 100 mi, Gen Lee 11-27-1862s.htm | m: | |
1862-11-30.......Camp at Fredericksburgh, her military clothes, his dream, Ida, Peace rumors, hopes to settle it 11-30-1862s.htm | m: | |
1862-12-08.......Camp near Fredericksburgh, freezing, tent like pocket handkerchief, all sick, rumors go home if no pay, old castle & cabbage 12-08-1862s.htm | m: | |
1862-12-19.......Camp on Potomac Creek, sketch of Fredericksburgh made during bombardment, Tom to General Hospital 12-19-1862s.htm | m: | |
1862-12-20.......Camp on Potomac Creek, Tom sick dysentary, court martial, no more Fredericksburgh 12-20-1862s.htm | m: | |
1862-12-23.......Camp on Potomac Creek, reflects on peaceful life, buried 2 more, court martial 30 pound log, peace talk 12-23-1862s.htm | m: | |
1862-12-25.......Christmas, hard to see die when might as well be sent home, disease doctors do not understand, deserters 12-25-1862s.htm | m: | |
1862-12-28.......many sick and dying, 9 officers reassigned, blames Capt Cone, guard duty, center position, unfit for duty, Fletch no letters in Utica from Regt since Fredericksburg 12-28-1862s.htm | m: | |
1863-01-04.......Tom very sick, Jacob Breish coffin, Joseph Corrigan tent mate, Fletch separated 01-04-1863s.htm | m: | |
1863-01-06.......from John W. Breish thanks for kindness to brother, can not get body, saw his folks and they are well 01-06-1863s.htm | m: | |
1863-01-11.......guard Gen Warrens hq, daughter of the Regt 17th regulars chased by drunk soldiers, Burnside, Breish trinkets, resignations, all wish war over 01-11-1863s.htm | m: | |
1863-01-17.......Camp on Potomac Creek, VA. Black tongue, Zouaves,hard tack box coffins. Dated Jan. 17 1862 (wrong year) 01-17-1863s.html | m: | |
1863-01-27.......Camp near Potomac Creek,VA.,Clothes.lice,corporal,no coffins,Gen. Warren drunk! Says January 27 1862 (wrong year) 01-27-1863s.html | m: | |
1863-01-30.......got box she and Julia sent, can not get it to Tom, remitant and typhoid fevers, pay, Fredericksburgh relics 01-30-1863s.htm | m: | |
1863-01-31.......taking box 30 mi rt to Tom at Acquia Creek hospital, made Fourth Sergeant, Fletch no barber business, says January 31 1863 (wrong year) 01-31-1863s.htm | m: | |
1863-02-02.......describes train, shopping,conditions at general Hospital Acquia Creek, Tom, Lumbard 02-02-1863s.htm | m: | |
1863-02-19.......Tom back, William Jones, Demming, Tom Gray, Sergeant school, her walking to school barefoot 02-19-1863s.htm | m: | |
1863-02-22.......sketch winter scene on home page Armyofthepatomic.gif, snow, tents, wood, sickness and death, froze finger, government shoes, Deming, shoemaker Dennison, Washington Birthday 02-22-1863s.htm | m: | |
1863-02-xx.......probably between visit to Tom Feb 2 and March 1 letter that mentions Julia and turkey box, ward money, sergeant 02-xx-1863s.htm | m: | |
1863-03-01.......Camp near Potomac Creek,diarrhea, Demming, Dave Reese, rebel prisoners grit to backbone,well dressed, Julia, ward money, says March 1 1862 (wrong year) 03-01-1863s.html | m: | |
1863-03-04.......sending pipe, could sell for $10, they call him whittling yankee, earned 75 cents whittling, got gloves, Ed [Burbiege] Tom 03-04-1863s.htm | m: | |
1863-03-10.......Camp sketch archway, Zouave uniform, Tom, Julia, turkey, money, Bates, Tyler, Sarah 03-10-1863s.html | m: | |
1863-03-13.......armed all night, extra cartridges, Rebels, 4th Oneida, Fordis Phelps, would desert if she needs money, conscription law, March 3 1862 (wrong year) 03-13-1863s.htm | m: | |
1863-03-21.......firing around, smallpox vaccine,wants her to live with his parents, not her sister Julia, Tom may be discharged,George avoided draft? 03-21-1863s.htm | m: | |
1863-03-23.......ordered to march with only food and blanket, Bright on crutches and other cripples ordered to march, if killed on field bring up children as Christians 03-23-1863s.htm | m: | |
1863-04-13.......says Monday April with blank date, hopes children better, mud dried up, grass green, left in charge of Camp with Lieut Walker, foreign general, Tom discharged? 04-13-1863s.htm | m: | |
1863-06-03.......over cold, her letter with money, her lifting heavy things, who wanted the money, Fletch digearious fever, has not heard from Col, strawberries 06-03-1863s.htm | m: | |
1863-06-18.......rumors of another Bull Run, description Menzo Gibbs death on battlefield, sick soldiers, her idea to telegraph, beef bone ring, paired with Fragment 3 06-18-1863s.htm | m: | |
1863-06-20.......put up tents, 7000 convalescents arrived, sick to barracks, rumor furlough if sickness or death, new uniform curious, pities army hot 06-20-1863s.htm | m: | |
1863-06-28DB.......Dear Brother, would have written if knew in Utica, does not write all hardships, discourages from enlisting, love to father and mother 06-28-1863DBs.htm | m: | |
1863-08-16.......got letter and picture of Mother, carries a lot of pictures, yellow fever, whiskey and quinine, Joey, young [top?], Sarah Graff, true as steel 08-16-1863s.htm | m: | |
1863-08-20.......upset stomach, whiskey and quinine, soldiers beastly drunk, yellow fever, NY Herald, Rebels refuse exchange, riots and draft resistance, disheartens soldiers 08-20-1863s.htm | m: | |
1863-09-08.......Lieut furlough, deserters to be shot, detached corps, Ben Chapman, Michael Keating, Phil Smith and Andy, Washington women, caught something, Tom, Sarah 09-08-1863s.htm | m: | |
1863-09-20.......exchanged, going to front, clothing and 1800 guns, dream of going home vanished, Fletch nurse, hopes war ends after winter 09-20-1863s.htm | m: | |
1863-09-27.......11th and 12th Corp left, Fletch must go with 5th not stay hospital with docs, tell Ida Pa will come home, will not desert, promotion, Admiral picture 09-27-1863s.htm | m: | |
1863-10-22.......13 days driving Rebels and retreating, captured more than them, Fletch march stocking feet, Fairfax, 96 conscripts, Bill Dagwood, paired with Fragment 1 10-22-1863s.htm | m: | |
1863-11-09.......on move, 2 battles, took 2200 prisoners, 9 artillery, drove them to drown in river, log cabins, Rebel letter, railroad destroyed, Tom invalid corps, Garrard 11-09-1863s.htm | m: | |
1863-11-20.......not getting her mail, she lost tooth and hair turns grey, hospital men furlough to vote, Culpeper, Rapidan, another Chancellorsville, no paper or sutler 11-20-1863s.htm | m: | |
1863-11-24.......marched to cross Rapidan but rain and mud, Meade determined, Fredericksburg, made 2 pictures for a dollar, Boys need tobacco, Tom Washington discharge 11-24-1863s.htm | m: | |
1864-01-03.......date looked like 5, she should not have sent money, James Handwright furlough, Edic guard house brought things, deserter executed, uniform picture, exposure deaths 01-03-1864s.htm | m: | |
1864-01-15.......Smith, Handwright, tries to be good to soldiers, speak well of him,whiskey New Years eve, Capt Clasgens and Lieut Dutton recruit Utica, Mosbys guerrillas 01-15-1864s.htm | m: | |
1864-01-22.......got pictures, wishes Card de Visites, Melora Teed letter, shimmer, rats, been sick, Sweet Oil and Laudanum, Fletch home to recruit?, furloughs, George sleigh ride 01-22-1864s.htm | m: | |
1864-02-06.......2 days guard duty rail road, cannons, captured 7 guerrillas included major, those wounded, Cone and Stanford arrested, how treated Jakes wife, Sarah, Zouave sketch 02-06-1864s.htm | m: | |
1864-02-11.......Julia mad at Tom, all owed money but prepare they may never get it, bounties exhaust Treasury, take $2 a week from Baker and City subsidy, lengthy cruel war statement 02-11-1864s.htm | m: | |
1864-02-20.......cold spell, daily routine described, breakfast, Charlie, Sarah, George Keiser, $1100 and 30 day furlough if 146 reenlist, sacrifice all life time for few days home 02-20-1864s.htm | m: | |
1864-04-19.......sent to father for Clara, recd warrant, not sent for Navy exam, papers did not come, will try hard, preparing to move Fri, hurt finger playing ball,doctor excused 04-19-1864s.htm | m: | |
MusterRoll1.......Peter L. Dumont's Muster Roll & News Clip MusterRoll1i.htm | m: | |
MusterRoll2.......Muster Rolls for Tom Lumbard, Fletch and Wes Dimbleby MusterRoll2i.htm | m: | |