B a t t l e s | T h e m e s | ||
1862-10-27.......Camp Seward, color letterhead of woman helping Zouave, wet tent, Fletch, Fordis Phelps, deserters 10-27-1862s.htm | z: | |
1863-01-17.......Camp on Potomac Creek, VA. Black tongue, Zouaves,hard tack box coffins. Dated Jan. 17 1862 (wrong year) 01-17-1863s.html | z: | |
1863-03-10.......Camp sketch archway, Zouave uniform, Tom, Julia, turkey, money, Bates, Tyler, Sarah 03-10-1863s.html | z: | |
1863-04-04.......Col mad and sent them without rations, command Duryea Zouaves, see home page Zouavesonpicket.gif of them with young contrabands,Sesesh house, pontoons,Tom,George Wheeler 04-04-1863s.htm | z: | |
1863-04-24.......Hooker relieved of Command, rumor Fremont, upset his father is turning her out, Tom mad Julia letter says mother renting rooms 04-24-1863s.htm | z: | |
1863-06-20.......put up tents, 7000 convalescents arrived, sick to barracks, rumor furlough if sickness or death, new uniform curious, pities army hot 06-20-1863s.htm | z: | |
1863-08-02.......hot sun, Mr. Hart, prisoners guarded, half rations, revolted, desperate men may claim rights by force, could have been home, says Aug 2 1863 (wrong year) 08-02-1863s.htm | z: | |
1863-08-10.......Potomac clams, huckleberries, Mr Place wants Mally to write, Tom and Julia letter, Regt 190 men, 4 regts consolidated, poem in different handwriting 08-10-1863s.htm | z: | |
1863-12-xx.......undated, Bealton, probably mid-Dec 1863, her Dec 7 letter, Meade rumor, half rations, winter shanty, soldiers will not get paid, Tom invalid corps, paired with Undated 2 12-xx-1863s.htm | z: | |
1864-02-06.......2 days guard duty rail road, cannons, captured 7 guerrillas included major, those wounded, Cone and Stanford arrested, how treated Jakes wife, Sarah, Zouave sketch 02-06-1864s.htm | z: | |
1864-02-25.......got her letter and fathers, sending picture of himself in uniform,what did she think of newspaper piece, should he write another Julia, sending likenesses of Generals 02-25-1864s.htm | z: | |
1864-03-16.......Congress transferring army to navy, asks her consent, Jackson picture, Handwright, Fletch orderly, Curran, Armstrong, sketch Capt Durkee one arm 03-16-1864s.htm | z: | |
1864-04-01.......Col Navy papers, Brig Gen Ayres, now 3rd Brigade, 1st Division, 5th Corp, Gen Warren, Sykes like a father, left, target practice, preparing for terrible conflict 04-01-1864s.htm | z: | |